Sermons from 2020 (Page 2)

Gospel Realities and Reactions

As we share and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, certain realities and reactions are likely to occur.  Some will come to salvation and some will resist in various ways.  Our responsibilities are to honor God, obey God rather than man, and give glory to God for His glorious works.  Let’s learn from the first…

Empowering the Priority of God’s Kingdom

We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.  We are His people living a new way in new culture called the Kingdom of Heaven.  Jesus prayed “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  This message will share about empowering the priority of the kingdom.  We are commanded by…

Jesus’ main message: gospel of the kingdom

As John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, stepped into public proclamation, he was a voice crying out in the wilderness saying “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  After Jesus was baptized and defeated the Devil in the wilderness, Jesus began to preach saying, “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is…

“Jesus’ Main Message”

As Jesus entered His public ministry, He taught and demonstrated a specific message.  The focus is the kingdom of heaven/God.  The kingdom of heaven/God is recorded 100 times in the teachings of Jesus.  It is the most recorded subject Jesus taught.  What is the kingdom of heaven?  How does it operate?  Are we in the…

Our Great Hopes Part 3 – The Second Coming of Christ

We have been encouraged by the previous four great hopes:  1.)  Eternal Life  2.)  Being with Jesus in a Special Place He Has Prepared for Us.  3.)  The Resurrection of Christ  4.)  The Rapture of the Church.  Today, our #5.)  great hope is the Second Coming of Jesus.  The second coming isn’t a single event,…

Five great Hopes Part 2 – the resurrection of jesus

We will examine together The Resurrection of Christ and The Rapture of the Church.  Because of the resurrection, Jesus’ claims are true and our faith is validated.  Because Jesus rose from the dead, we will too at the rapture!Enjoy and rejoice because we have the victory!  Keep praying for all to walk in peace and…

Five Great Hopes Part One

Biblical “hope” is the confident assurance that what has been promised will be fulfilled!  Jesus has supplied us with so much hope in the midst of a fallen world.  We must remember that we aren’t truly home yet.  The New Jerusalem and heaven are our real home.  We are a church on the way.  We…

A biblical response in a time of crisis

How do we respond biblically in today’s crisis, and those to come?  Are we really walking in faith, staying in the word and leaning into the Lord, and not our own understanding?  His people will go through trials, but His people are also protected, as you will see in the scripture.  Are we taking this…

One anothering one another

In today’s teaching, we shall see that we are exhorted to “one another on another”.  We are called to be people of love in action.  This is how Christ expresses Himself to others in the body of Christ and as a witness to the world.  Jesus taught us that as we love one another and…