Sermons from 2020 (Page 3)

the father’s blessing

This teaching will reveal the heart of the Father towards His people.  He loves us perfectly and wants to release His special blessing to each of us.  Perhaps, you grew up without a father present in the home or you had a stepdad that wasn’t appropriately relating to you.  Some of you even had mothers…

blessings of jabez

When we pray in faith believing the word of the Lord, we will see clear and powerful answers to our prayers.  Some friends gifted me with a little book in 2000.  As I read it and have attempted to apply the truths found in it consistently, it has changed my life!  As we look at…

power of agreement

The scripture teaches that we have everything we need pertaining to life and godliness in Christ.  We don’t pray to beg God for anything.  We desire to hear His will and receive His revelation on an issue.  Then, we pray and proclaim in powerful agreement. II Peter 1:3-4; Matthew 18:19-20

Bless the Lord, bless others

Psalm 34:1-8; Galatians 6:7-10; Romans 12:17-21 The facts are we are blessed by God and what He has done for us.  He has graced us with such blessing that we are a channel of His blessings to others.  We understand more of these blessings and they seem to become more releasable through encounters we have…

blessed and blessings

If we have a choice between being “blessed or cursed”, a healthy person will choose “blessed” every time. The Bible is full of God speaking and releasing blessings. Often, they are conditional, but absolutely worth meeting the conditions! God’s word also speaks of curses that come upon us for sin, disobedience, and rebellion. This is…

How Do We Employ Our God-given Gifts? #2

We are loved by God and are His precious commodity in the earth.  He values us so much that he sent His only begotten Son as the acceptable sacrifice for our sin and separation.  He redeemed us for the reconciled relationship with Himself and to become His ambassadors and ministry instruments in the earth.  Today’s…

How Do We Employ Our God-given Gifts?

After we come to Christ as our personal Savior and Lord, why does He leave us here on earth?  We are here to love God, love people, discover and develop our God-given gifts, and do the works He assigns us to advance His kingdom.  Today, we will discover and define the motivational gifts that helps…

Why Am I Here?

We live in a day and time where people are searching to answer some vital questions.  Who am I?  Why am I here?  Many lives are full of busy-ness without much depth and meaning.   We are beginning a new series that will lead us to biblical answers about our identity and purpose.  If you…