dead works and god’s works

Some people are engaged in the works of the flesh and wrongly motivated “good works”.  God has a plan to do a work in us and work His work through us.  What are those good works?  What is our correct motivation?  Do we each have gifts and a God-given purpose we are to put to…

No more repentance from dead works

As we continue to lay strong and sure foundations in the Christian life; we must learn what it means to repent from human effort and attempting to earn our own salvation and God’s love through our own good works.  We are indeed saved by grace through faith, and not of ourselves or by works.  We…

Milk Drinker and Meat Eaters

When we are first born-again, we come into the kingdom as newborn babes.  Just like in the natural, so is the spiritual.  We are to grow to maturity with our goal becoming like Jesus.  This series will shore up our necessary foundations and move us toward maturity of knowledge and practice. Hebrews 5:12-14

More and More peace

Initially peace doesn’t come from and though people.  It comes from God.  Peace is not the absence of something.  It is the presence of someone!  In todays teaching, we will define biblical peace, where it comes from and how to see it prevail in our daily lives more and more. Psalm 85:10; Luke 1:79, 2:14;…

joy to the world

Isaac Watts, a famous poet and song writer in the early to mid-1700’s was meditating through Psalm 98 and penned the words to a familiar song we often sing during the Christmas season.  The focus of this song was not about the first coming of Jesus we know as the Christmas season, but about the…

Prophetic Truths evidenced In The Birth Of Jesus

As wonder-filled and marvelous is the birth of Jesus, it was full of fulfilled prophecies and future prophecies.  God was working out His plans from long age with perfection.  Let’s look at some of these marvels together this morning.  [Selected verses from Matthey 1-2; Luke2]

Living for what really matters

II Timothy 4:6-8 We live in a time where people are distracted from the important and focused upon the frivolous.  What are the things that God says are important?  Jesus is coming back, and His rewards are with Him.  They are important to Him and should be so to us.  What kind of life does…

six seals and the second coming

Revelation 6 & 7 As Jesus receives the scroll and breaks its seals, all heaven is loosed upon the earth.  Let us discover from God’s word what happens next.  Then, it culminates in glorious victory for the church and the Lamb!  A fantastic future is coming!