Evidences of those saved and lost

Introduction:  Can a person know considerable amounts of facts regarding Jesus and salvation and still be an unsaved person?  Is it possible to experience some of His presence and goodness and still reject Him?  I’ll share with you the history behind this passage and how it is explained in greater detail in Hebrews 10:29. If we are indeed born-again, we grow and progress in our walk into maturity.  We may grow at differing rates of maturity, but the fruit of gospel change begins to evidence itself in our lives.  This group of verses indicates two possibilities expressed by those genuinely seeking the true meaning written here.  I feel it necessary to present both viewpoints.

Transition:  The people spoken of in verses 6:4-6 are those who once knew Jesus as Savior and fell away into apostasy or they knew considerably about the Lord and never surrendered to His salvation.  Whichever viewpoint you embrace, the outcome of these people isn’t good.  Let’s dissect these scriptures together.


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