Join us as Bud & Deb Madden give their testimonies of how God saved them from lives of addictions, a life threatening accident and more. We hope their stories bless you, as they blessed us.
Today’s teaching is about a very unlikely person that Jesus brought to a saving relationship with Himself, called, equipped, and used to reach the Gentile world with the gospel. He is, at first glance, the most unlikely candidate for being used mightily by the Lord. Jesus captured Paul’s passion and transformed into a fruitful instrument. …
One thing Pastor Tony believes in is to disciple others, so they may disciple others. We all have our own gifts. We hope you enjoy hearing Kirk Hartness speak to us this morning on the “Rewards, Jesus will give to the faithful.”
As you listen to this week’s teaching, you will first encounter 4 ladies sharing about the joys and challenges of being a mom. They are each unique as they speak from one being a biological mom, one is an adoptive mom, one is a mother who married into an existing family with a child and…
What we believe determines our salvation. How we live determines the rewards we will receive from Jesus. As you listen to this message, you will understand what the Lord sees as valuable and worth rewarding for eternity. We will get a perspective on growing to spiritual maturity and living for what is truly important.
People are searching for meaning and fulfillment in the world today. They become enamored and absorbed in things that are a distraction, but don’t touch the deepest needs in their hearts. After seasons of failure, frustration, and emptiness, they become more open to listen to the gospel. Sadly, some in the church today have only…
Jesus and the Apostle Paul made it clear that everyone in the body of Christ is important. All have gifts and callings to be applied inside the family of God and outside with those who need salvation. A growing church will encounter numerous challenges. These will help us in seeing and solving the needs in…
A temptation exists to be a quiet or secret Christian. We know and love Jesus personally, but we find it difficult to represent Him publicaly. Where does the courage come from to be a witness? How might others respond? Can we overcome fear and be more effective witness?