The world is filled with bored people living dissatisfied lives. They seem to lack any sense of reality or purpose. Discovering God’s purpose for his church, individual purpose, and giftings in the church, and a contributing lifestyle to their communities is the answer. As we grow up in Christ, how do we discover, embrace, and…
Today’s message has a bit of an end times edge to it. Jesus said, “the coming of the Son of Man shall be just like it was in the days of Noah”. This message contrasts the spiritual and societal condition in the literal days of Noah and our current days. Things seem to be lining…
Part 4. What is the New Creation? Do I have two natures, or just a new one? How do I deal with old tendencies and temptations?
Part Three, Session Four. Gary continues to talk about our faith and authority
Part Three, Session Three. Colleen brings us into Session 3 explaining the Kingdom of God and how it operates through faith and authority.
Part Three, Session Two. He answers questions from Session 1 and continues with Session 2, Disciples & Converts.
Part Three, Session One. Is salvation through Jesus Christ the only way to God/heaven? Is syncretism acceptable? Why did Jesus command us to make disciples, not just converts?
Part Two, Session Two. Pastor Tony Nichols presents this session, helping us learn and understand where the Bible comes from.
Part Two, Session One. What is God’s purpose for sexuality? Does God make people homosexual from conception/womb?
Part One. What is our origin? Where do we come from? Why are we here? This message provides biblical, scientific and practical answers to these questions.