How Do We Employ Our God-given Gifts?

After we come to Christ as our personal Savior and Lord, why does He leave us here on earth?  We are here to love God, love people, discover and develop our God-given gifts, and do the works He assigns us to advance His kingdom.  Today, we will discover and define the motivational gifts that helps…

Why Am I Here?

We live in a day and time where people are searching to answer some vital questions.  Who am I?  Why am I here?  Many lives are full of busy-ness without much depth and meaning.   We are beginning a new series that will lead us to biblical answers about our identity and purpose.  If you…

Do You Know

Today’s message is about two very important questions.  II Corinthians 13:5 challenges us to examine ourselves and see where we are in our faith.  We will sharpen our focus and measure our growth without condemnation.  Then, we will begin to set the course for 2020 personally, as a family, and a church.  The best is…

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Years ago I went to Russia and brought home Matryoshka Dolls to each of my daughters.  These dolls are intricately painted and shaped like an egg.  As you open one, another slightly smaller appears.  As you open that one, another appears until you have 9-10 Matryoshka Dolls.  It is the gift that keeps on giving,…

Powerful Faith

As a continuation of last week’s teaching about hearing the Lord’s voice, we shall discover the relationship between hearing and knowing God’s will, praying and acting in faith, seeing great obstacles removed, followed by amazing breakthroughs!  Jesus modeled this kind of faith and challenged His disciples to walk in the same fashion.

How To Hear the Lord

This message will give you the biblical foundations for hearing the Lord’s voice and directions in our lives.  Then, you will receive practical instruction on ways you can hear the Lord too in your daily lives.

Overcoming Hardness of Heart Part #2

We all find ourselves growing a little cold and hard in our daily faith.  It steals our joy and sense of effectiveness in the Christian walk.  What are some biblical and practical cures to overcome hardheartedness?  Today’s teaching will help us overcome and restore the joy of our salvation.

Overcoming Hardness of Heart

Perhaps all of us have suffered from developing a hard heart.  We find ourselves slowly being confronted with life pressures and circumstances.  We begin to become calloused and lack spiritual sensitivity, resulting in a loss of joy and desire.  These next two teachings define the causes of hardheartedness and suggest some biblical and practical cures…