Encountering God

John 14:23; 16:27-28; I John 1:1-4 Join us as Pastor Tony talks about his encounter with the Lord during his illness. This is a sermon you won’t want to miss!

Sermon Brought to Us By Gary Barker

Pastor Gary Barker and his wife Colleen are retired from Co-Pastoring a church together for many years. They have been attending church with us for quite some time, and he has brought us several sermons over time. We’re delighted that he will be bringing our sermon today.

Sermon brought by Ron & Lana Wood

We invite you to join us for this special message brought to us by Ron & Lana Wood. They have pastored here in the US and have served in several African countries as missionaries. She is a strong intercessor and he has a strong teaching gift and the Holy Spirit releases him in the prophetic.