Guest Speaker Joshua Yazzie

**We did not have audio until 1:47:41 in the live-stream. We apologize for the inconvenience. **

Joshua Yazzie’s Bio:

My name is Joshua Yazzie, originally from New Mexico now becoming a resident of Nebraska or South Dakota, mostly depends on where I lay may head for the time.  I am a father of 3 amazing children, Joshua (Lil josh), Brady (Dede), Bailey(sissy), I am Dine (Navajo), but before any of these I am a child of the most high, God (2 Cor. 5:17).  When I am asked what brought me to Pine Ridge, the answer is simple now, God. 2 years ago, I fell to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) which eventually took my life a multitude of times from drug overdoses. For 18 years I hid my sin from family, from those who love me, and those who needed me.  But the Lord always makes a way even if the veil has not been lifted (2 Cor. 3:18), it’s His glory of redemption for all His children.  2 years ago in Thermopolis, Wyoming I prayed to the Lord this prayer, “my life is no longer my life to live, but your life Lord, I alone am not worthy and only because of your mercy I am here, I don’t deserve to live Lord, I want to serve you the rest of my days, send me to the darkest places, where nobody goes”. (Isaiah 6:8). And He heard my petition and has answered everything I have ever prayed for or didn’t know I even desired.  With that, God has established me here at the Pine Ridge Reservation (2 timothy 4:1-5) operating out of the Hands of Faith ministry located just 4 miles into Nebraska. We currently are offering mission support to existing ministries or those in development.  We can house large mission teams as our campus has 18 beds, full kitchen and bathrooms, with the help of the Lakota people we are able to serve teams by preparing the campus and also connecting them with those in need on the Pine Ridge.  (Deuteronomy 30:3-14) Revival shall fall upon the people as they return back to God. We are sent out to go into the low places and take back what the enemy has stolen. Identity, family, jobs, homes, way of life.  That starts with the surrendering of self to God; in doing so we can begin disciplining those where they are.  Helping those in addiction recovery, serving the elders, mothers and being there for those with children.  Being able to serve in many capacities, Prayer walking, community feeding, bible study, home visits, and now a weekly church service (Matthew 9:37).  We are doing what we can to fulfill the great commission, (Matt. 28:19) in doing so we must leave no stone unturned for the day of the Lord is coming soon, we must be ready.  


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