Sermons by Tony Nichols (Page 17)

Essentials for a Thriving Church

For certain things to exist or function, they have a minimum of necessary essentials.  What is the gospel?  What does it look like to follow Jesus?  Does the heart play an important role in following Christ, not just the mind and going through the motions?  Today’s teaching will help us discover the irreducible minimum for…

Clear Vision

To know how to accomplish our assignment well, we need to know what Jesus has asked us to do and how to do it.  The result will be that we will find ourselves useful to God and a blessing to people.

Partnering With Jesus

Today’s teaching informs us that if we are born-again believers, we have received gifts and faith to put them into practice.  As we mature and demonstrate faithfulness, God delights in setting certain individuals apart as servant-leaders.  These women and men are those who take up responsibilities for overseeing people and ministries.  We become equippers of…

Set Apart

Today’s teaching informs us that if we are born-again believers, we have received gifts and faith to put them into practice.  As we mature and demonstrate faithfulness, God delights in setting certain individuals apart as servant-leaders.  These women and men are those who take up responsibilities for overseeing people and ministries.  We become equippers of…

The Heart of Worship

The Heart Of Worship is about the difference between singing songs about God and the reality of singing songs to God. As we connect in true praise and worship, the Father seeks those kinds of worshippers out to be with. Praise and worship will connect us to God experientially, allow us to hear and be…

Meet For Men

This Fathers Day message demonstrates biblically and practically how important Dads are in the lives and homes of their children. You are vital to the health, welfare, and success of your kids now and all the days they will live. You will discover from the Bible and from statistical research how vital the role of…