Sermons by Tony Nichols (Page 13)

Living for what really matters

II Timothy 4:6-8 We live in a time where people are distracted from the important and focused upon the frivolous.  What are the things that God says are important?  Jesus is coming back, and His rewards are with Him.  They are important to Him and should be so to us.  What kind of life does…

six seals and the second coming

Revelation 6 & 7 As Jesus receives the scroll and breaks its seals, all heaven is loosed upon the earth.  Let us discover from God’s word what happens next.  Then, it culminates in glorious victory for the church and the Lamb!  A fantastic future is coming!

who is worthy to open the book and break the seals?

Revelation 5:1-14 We have heard the rather crude terminology, “all hell is about to break loose”.  We usually take that to mean our surrounding earthly circumstances are about to get angry, rough, and destructive.  Let me give you a Heaven’s point of view as the tribulation begins.  “All Heaven is about to break lose!”  We…

heaven’s effect upon earth

Revelation 4:1-11 The Book of Revelation records what is happening in heaven and earth simultaneously. As you read this book, you will go back and forth seeing the same events from two points of view.  We will see things unfold in heaven and around the throne of Christ. Then, we will see the direct effects…

entering God’s Rest

The Scripture tells us that there is a rest for God’s people.  We are to be diligent or as one translation says; we are to labor to enter that rest.  What is the rest of the Lord?  Is the sabbath still valid today in practice or at least principle.  Come with me on the journey…

Gospel Realities and Reactions

As we share and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, certain realities and reactions are likely to occur.  Some will come to salvation and some will resist in various ways.  Our responsibilities are to honor God, obey God rather than man, and give glory to God for His glorious works.  Let’s learn from the first…

Jesus’ main message: gospel of the kingdom

As John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, stepped into public proclamation, he was a voice crying out in the wilderness saying “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  After Jesus was baptized and defeated the Devil in the wilderness, Jesus began to preach saying, “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is…