A healthy body is a body that functions the way God intended. This series is about how to establish a healthy church body in how to understand and operate effectively in spiritual gifts. We will discover three distinct types of gifts. Every part of the body is vitally important. Growing into the image of Jesus,…
Pastors Tony, Ron, and Chris will each bring a short message.
Join us for a joyful and serene time together as we sing sweet hymns of joy to our Savior Jesus Christ, hear dramatic readings from scripture and classic stories, and celebrate Christmas Eve together as a church family.
Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:14 It was in the heart of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to have a holy friendship with us from the beginning. He even had the foresight to make a way for us to be forgiven and restored to this relationship if we should sin. He made us so we…
How Jesus restored Peter will give encouragement to all who have lost their way in following Jesus. This can give insight into how to help others find their way back to the walk with Jesus. Each of us have a calling and purpose given by God. Sometimes we get afraid and find ourselves drawing back…
Most of us have had times where we have been struggling with sin or been caught in sin. For some of us, we justified our sin and made excuses. Others of us became honest with God and ourselves. We humbly repented. For those of us who confessed and repented, God made a pathway for restoration.…
Nicodemus, a leading pharisee and teacher of the Jewish people came to Jesus at night. He had questions that he wanted answers to. He was a smart man, yet he was smart enough to know he did not have all the answers. Let’s see his questions of Jesus and observe Jesus’ answers. Perhaps, we have…
Paul, the apostle, instructed us on how to tear down strongholds in our lives if we have any of them. We will identify today how they form and how to get rid of them.