Jessica Senty

Jessica Senty has a BA in Art Studio from the University of Arkansas. She has been married to Chris Senty for 11+ years and lived in NWA her whole life. She is called by the Lord to build a strong foundation and grow a blossoming Children’s Ministry. She loves to do arts and crafts. Some of her favorite hobbies are biking, running, pickleball, hiking and more! She has a desire to see families restored and is working on building our Marriage Alive ministry with Chris Senty, with their training from XO Marriage. She has been a part of Church Alive since 2020. Jessica hopes others feel the same love and adoptive spirit she has felt since she has been with us. 

“Church Alive feels like home, and that is exactly what God’s Kingdom should feel like. The people here are functioning and serving in a way that I have not seen anywhere else. I feel blessed to be a part of such a wonderful church.” -Jessica