We’ll meet after the service. Bring a lunch and fellowship while eating together. This instruction will be about preparing spiritually and practically in our times. It will last until 3:00 pm. Feel free to stay as long as you can or go when you need to.
This is an entry level preparedness class for those who are new to this idea or just getting started. It will answer prominent questions and help you be ready for the challenges that are coming. Bring a sack lunch and fellowship while eating.
Feel free to come and join us for a short service on this special evening!
Tori Peters and her team will lead worship; children and youth will present songs, fun and interesting readings, followed by a meal, and presenting presents to some single-mom families.
Everyone is welcome! Coffee, Water & Tea will be pro.vided. Feel free to join us for fellowship and fun. You’re welcome to bring an appetizer or dessert, or board game.
We are in the Razorback Room. It’s a DVD series called 33 The Series: “Quest For Authentic Manhood.” All men and boys welcome.
Preparing for natural disasters. Are you prepared should we have a natural disaster?
This will present a biblical worldview regarding questions of origin [Where did we come from?] Human sexuality [Are we male and female or did God create other variations/?] Is the Bible absolute truth? [Where did it come from and can we trust it?] etc. This is final day of our seminar.
This will present a biblical worldview regarding questions of origin [Where did we come from?] Human sexuality [Are we male and female or did God create other variations/?] Is the Bible absolute truth? [Where did it come from and can we trust it?] etc. This is a continuation and will end Sunday, October 20th.
This will present a biblical worldview regarding questions of origin [Where did we come from?] Human sexuality [Are we male and female or did God create other variations/?] Is the Bible absolute truth? [Where did it come from and can we trust it?] etc. This is a continuation from Sunday, October 13th and will run…