We hope you join us for time in singing praises to our King and praying!
Come join us for our first Youth gathering! It’ a great time for our young folks to connect, have fun and be ministered to! We’ll have an evening of games, fellowship and food.
Join us for our Christmas Eve service! We will have words from Pastor Tony, songs, and readings for the children. If you do not have anywhere to be on Christmas Eve, come and celebrate with us. We would love to have you!!
Join us for our Christmas meal. We’ll eat immediately following the service. All are welcome!
Join us for prayer from anywhere you are. We started this on-line prayer last year. We pray for our community, each other, our government and request you may have. This is a great way to connect in prayer if you’re unable to get out for any reason. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82778929387?pwd=UlZnMm9CTjJFZWg2a05rLzBuUFJ3dz09Meeting ID: 827 7892 9387Passcode: 348819
This is a meeting for all leadership and volunteers. Please make every effort to be there! We want to get our Youth off to a great start!
Join us as we sing praises to our heavenly Father and spend time in prayer.
Come join us for some fun and fellowship! We’ll have a few games, but you are encouraged to bring your own. This is also an “Appetizer Potluck,” so bring your favorite appetizer. All are welcome!! Bring a friend or family member, it’s great way to build new relationships!