Thoughts on Missions and 2025 - Ben Campbell
We are turning over the page on 2024 and beginning a new chapter for the new calendar year. Psalms 139:16b says “And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.” (NASB). It is a comforting thought to know that the Father sees the end from the beginning. He also speaks of the goods works He has prepared in advance for us to do. We want our relationship with those we support to continue to be alive and grow, since we know our source is the eternal creator himself. We want to communicate exciting news to our church family in more easily experienced platforms. And we want to become better corporately at loving our neighbors whether they are 30 feet away mailbox to mailbox or on the other side of the world.
Therefore, as the mission’s team at church alive begins to plan for the new year, we are excited to take part in this newsletter you are reading now. We have much news periodically to share on our partners and missionaries’ experiences; both locally, nationally, & around the world. It is exciting to see the Master build the house, as we focus on illuminating the foundation of Jesus Christ. Below are the initiatives we are working on for 2025.
Church Alive Initiatives for 2025
I will announce further details in next month’s letter. I appreciate our church family and their interest. Please continue to pray and reach out if you have any interests or questions.
Current Missions being Supported:
-Amazon Ministries & YWAM Leticia | Jaime & Lori Useche | Leticia, Columbia | Ministry to Rural Villages and Evangelism
-Trinitas | Bosco Ruhinda | Bugesera, Rwanda | Ministry to Rural Villages and Practical Training
-Windswept Academy | Eagle Butte, South Dakota | Private School for Lakota Souix Children
-Beautiful Feet | Choctaw, Oklahoma | Training and Support School for Missionaries going abroad (vocational)
-Global Seed Planters | Diane Brask | Sandstone, Minnesota | Evangelical Organization focused on unreached groups
-Kind at Heart | Siloam Springs, Arkansas | Ministry to Elderly and Disabled
Missions Team:
Sharon Davis
Merriella Vazquez
Benjamin Campbell